What are HSI Grants?
Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI) grants provide crucial federal funding to improve educational opportunities for Hispanic/Latine students. These grants support a wide range of initiatives, from enhancing academic programs to building a supportive campus environment where students can thrive. At Pasadena City College (PCC), HSI grants have played a key role in supporting our mission to create equitable access and success for all students.
As a designated HSI, PCC has been honored to receive numerous competitive HSI grants over the years, which have transformed our academic programs, student services, and institutional capacity. These grants directly impact Hispanic/Latine students, ensuring they have the resources and opportunities needed to succeed in college and beyond.
PCC’s first HSI grant, a Title V grant, was awarded in 2000. Below is a summary of the types of HSI grants PCC is eligible for, as well as our past and current awards.
Types of HSI Grants
Title V: Developing Hispanic-Serving Institutions (DHSI) Program
The Title V DHSI Program provides grants to improve educational opportunities for Hispanic/Latine students. These grants help support initiatives like facility upgrades, faculty development, and enhanced student services.
- Individual Grants: Awarded to single HSIs to strengthen academic programs and student support services.
- Cooperative Grants: Foster partnerships between HSIs and other institutions, focusing on shared resources and initiatives that improve transfer pathways, institutional capacity, and long-term student success.
Title III: HSI STEM Program
The Title III HSI STEM Program supports HSIs in advancing STEM education for Hispanic and low-income students. This program funds projects aimed at developing STEM programs, improving transfer pathways, and enhancing institutional resources.
- Individual Awards: Strengthen STEM programs at single HSIs, creating opportunities for Hispanic and low-income students to pursue and complete STEM degrees.
- Cooperative Awards: Promote collaboration between HSIs and other institutions, focusing on joint STEM initiatives and partnerships that improve access, degree attainment, and workforce preparation.
PCC’s HSI Grants
PCC has been the recipient of various HSI grants that support a wide range of student programs. Below are some of the grants we’ve received and their impact on student success:
Title V Individual Awards
- 2000-2005: Creating Learning Communities to Increase Hispanic Student Success and Persistence
Key Strategies: Establishment of the Teaching and Learning Center, Learning Communities, XL Summer Bridge/First-Year Experience (FYE), and Conexion tutoring program
- Impact: Improved retention and persistence rates among Hispanic/Latine students during their
first year at PCC.
- 2010-2015: XL for Life – Transforming Developmental Education at PCC
Key Strategies: Pathways FYE, College 1, Success Coaching, and LancerPoint
- Impact: Enhanced student support systems that helped hundreds of Hispanic/Latine students transition to and persist through developmental education courses.
- 2015-2020: Making the Second Year a Supported, Engaging, and Accessible Pathway to
Key Strategies: Focused on creating a structured Second-Year Pathway for students.
- Impact: Improved student retention during the critical second year of college, helping students stay on track to complete their degrees.
- 2019-2024: Abriendo Caminos – Opening Pathways to Institutionalize Equity
- Key Strategies: Redesign gateway courses through an equity-minded lens with a focus on culturally sustaining pedagogy; and bring Latina/o/x and Chicana/o/x and other underserved students into PCC through an engaging, dynamic, and accessible intake process
- Impact: Establishing a campus culture that does not shy away from our identity as a proud Hispanic Serving Institution
- 2020-2025: Pathways to Completion II
Focus Areas: Career exploration, internship opportunities, career content integration, Network of Care student support model, and reducing equity gaps.
- Impact: Over 2,000 Hispanic/Latine students have engaged in career development opportunities, preparing them for success beyond PCC.
2023-2028: UPREACH – Unifying PCC’s Resources to Empower & Accelerate Completion for Hispanic/Latine Students
- Focus Areas: Unified support services, fostering a sense of community and connection, and integrating new technologies for a seamless student experience.
- Impact: Creating a more connected and supportive campus environment to boost student retention and completion.
Title V Cooperative Arrangement Awards
- 2004-2009: Improving Student Persistence and Degree Completion (Partner – Mount St.
- Key Strategy: Career Pathways in Business, Teaching, Nursing, and Art & Design.
- Impact: Increased degree completion rates in career-focused programs.
- 2012-2017: Building a Design Technology Pathway to Increase Student Access and Completion
(Partner – California State Polytechnic University, Pomona)
- Key Strategy: Created the Design Tech Pathway to enhance student access to career programs.
- Impact: Strengthened transfer pathways for Hispanic/Latine students pursuing design technology careers.
Title III (HSI STEM) Individual Awards
- 2016-2021: STEM GPS (Guided Pathway Solution) for Equitable Success and Degree Completion
for Hispanic Students
- Key Strategy: Developed a STEM Meta-Major and clear pathway to degree completion at PCC.
- Impact: Improved student outcomes for Hispanic and low-income students by offering structured guidance and support in STEM fields.
- 2021-2026: Servingness in STEM – Reaching the Next Level in HSI Excellence
- Key Strategy: Created the Design Tech Pathway to enhance student access to career programs.
- Impact: Significant improvement in completion rates for Hispanic/Latine students pursuing STEM degrees.
Title III (HSI STEM) Cooperative Awards
- 2010-2015: Developing an Accessible Intersegmental STEM Pathway in Environmental Sciences
for Underserved Hispanic Students (Partner – California State Polytechnic University,
- Key Strategy: Environmental Science Pathway.
- Impact: Created seamless transfer pathways for Hispanic/Latine students pursuing degrees in Environmental Sciences.
PCC’s HSI grants continue to empower students, support institutional growth, and ensure that Hispanic/Latine students have the resources and opportunities they need to succeed. To learn more about how to get involved in these initiatives, visit our HSI Alianza for community and campus-wide collaboration.
“You, the student, are the priority for us! Reach out in times of conflict and uncertainty, you have a community here at PCC that cares about your well-being and success! You can do this, take it one day at a time! We believe in you!”
— Danielle Rapue
“Yo no estudio para saber mas, sino para ignorar menos.”
— Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz
“Your educational journey should be an opportunity for you to learn about the world around you and to embrace all that you are and all that you have to offer the world. Your story, your voice, and your cultural wealth are valuable.”
— Desiree Zuniga
“Aprender a dudar es aprender a pensar.”
— Octavio Paz
“You, the student, are the priority for us! Reach out in times of conflict and uncertainty, you have a community here at PCC that cares about your well-being and success! You can do this, take it one day at a time! We believe in you!”
— Danielle Rapue
“Yo no estudio para saber mas, sino para ignorar menos.”
— Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz
“Your educational journey should be an opportunity for you to learn about the world around you and to embrace all that you are and all that you have to offer the world. Your story, your voice, and your cultural wealth are valuable.”
— Desiree Zuniga
“Aprender a dudar es aprender a pensar.”
— Octavio Paz